World Wide Work
June 18 , 2015
Dear Policy
Maker :
Two days back , Government of India launched this web site , to bridge the info-gap between Employers and Jobseekers
No doubt a good initiative
But what the Government should do is what I have briefly explained in the last para of the following Concept Note , viz:
> Launch ( WWJ )
> Also launch one web site ( with its own distinct URL ) for each of those 900 + Employment Exchanges and make these 900 web sites , " Partner Web sites " of WWJ
> As of today , some 43 million jobseekers have registered in these Employment Exchanges .
Two days back , Government of India launched this web site , to bridge the info-gap between Employers and Jobseekers
No doubt a good initiative
But what the Government should do is what I have briefly explained in the last para of the following Concept Note , viz:
> Launch ( WWJ )
> Also launch one web site ( with its own distinct URL ) for each of those 900 + Employment Exchanges and make these 900 web sites , " Partner Web sites " of WWJ
> As of today , some 43 million jobseekers have registered in these Employment Exchanges .
Government should launch massive advts and ask all those 43 million to re-visit
their nearest Employment Exchange and re-submit their resumes ONLINE (on the local exchange web
site )
Employment Exchange staff should be trained to help the jobseekers to submit
their resumes and help the MSME ( nearby shopkeepers ? ) , to search / download resumes
> All future jobseekers will do likewise ; No more paper forms to fill in
> Thru massive advts , Govt to encourage 50 million MSME to log into WWJ ( from anywhere ) and search / find / download suitable resumes , without paying any Subscription !
> All future jobseekers will do likewise ; No more paper forms to fill in
> Thru massive advts , Govt to encourage 50 million MSME to log into WWJ ( from anywhere ) and search / find / download suitable resumes , without paying any Subscription !
Absolutely FREE
There can be no doubt that ,
out of these 50 MILLION
MSME , at least 12 million , need to hire ONE person each year
That means there are 12 million jobs being
created every year by these un-organized MSME , which just cannot afford to
post their vacancies on job-portals
> Government to persuade ( in National interest ) MonsterIndia / Naukri / TimesJobs and hundreds of other job-portals to become Partner Web sites of WWJ and deposit their Job Advts / Resumes ( thru daily RSS feeds ) into this COMMON DATABASE of WWJ, accessible to anyone from anywhere
I am willing to help / guide this project , if requested by Central Government
hemen parekh
> Government to persuade ( in National interest ) MonsterIndia / Naukri / TimesJobs and hundreds of other job-portals to become Partner Web sites of WWJ and deposit their Job Advts / Resumes ( thru daily RSS feeds ) into this COMMON DATABASE of WWJ, accessible to anyone from anywhere
I am willing to help / guide this project , if requested by Central Government
hemen parekh
Conceptual Framework
( 07 Oct 2010 )
will be a not-for-profit organization
Following principles shall guide the
formation and the operation of W3F :
Love for entire humanity
of Violence in any form
Non-Discrimination based on race / religion /
cast / creed / nationality / political beliefs / colour of the skin / Gender
Privacy of individuals and their
Transparency in all of its operations /
Benefit to society – at – large
of National / International LAWS
of PEACE through dissemination of job-relate &
jobseeker-related information, to all seekers of such information.
Purpose / Mission
Mission of the foundation
would be to
Ø Carry job-related info (job
advt / announcements) to jobseekers living in the farthest corners of the world
Ø Carry job-applicant’s
information (resumes / profiles / info posted on public domain websites etc.)
to employers / recruitment agencies, all over the world
Ø Facilitate quick / accurate
exchange of communications between the jobseekers and employers everywhere
W3F slogan will be
“ Jobs for All = Peace on
Earth ”
will be open to align / affiliate / co-operate / co-ordinate with other
individuals / groups / organizations / institutions, which share its “Mission
Members Eligibility
Ø Membership will be free to
Ø Any individual / group /
legally constituted organization – institution / company , can become a member
of W3F
Ø Membership will not be
denied on the basis of religions / caste / creed / race / nationality etc for
Ø Even regional / national /
professional organizations can become members as long as they share the
“Mission” of W3F
Ø Whether an Individual or a
Group or an Organization, wanting to become a member of W3F, must not believe or practice force / coercion
/ violence to change the belief / opinions of others.
Ø All members will profess
and practice LOVE for the entire humanity and practice non-violence thru,
Mana = Mind
Vachana = Speech
Karma = Action
W3F will frame and transparently publish on its website
Ø Constitution of General
Ø Rules and Regulations
Ø Membership Criteria
Ø Constitution of Managing
Ø Election / Tenure of
Managing Council
Ø Right / Obligations of
General Members
Ø Right / Obligations of
Office Bearers
Ø Membership Application Form
Ø Access rules for database
of Members
Ø Privacy Policy
Ø Income / Expenditure
Ø Periodic Activity Report
Ø List of Blacklisted Members
Ø Bank Accounts / Statements
Ø List of donors / donations
Ø Salaries / Reimbursements
to office-bearers / employees
Ø W3F will largely finance
its activities through voluntary donations from members or non-members
Ø In case of donations from
non-members, it will be condition of acceptance that they share the “Mission Philosophy” of the Foundation.
Ø Donors themselves can be
‘for profit’ organizations.
Ø All donations shall comply
with the “ laws of the land ” from where the donation amount arrives.
Ø W3F will be registered in
India as a charitable / non-profit /
non-Govt. organization and, if required, pay income-tax as per Laws of India
Ø W3F may earn income
through Corporate Advertisements ( non-job
related ), on its own website
Ø W3F may charge FRANCHISEE
fees to other job portals / websites
W3F will have its own
website, call
website will accept as “Partner Website” any other website, which is willing to
share its own
Ø Job
( eg:
job portals )
Ø Resumes
Share its job-announcements
wish to receive RSS feeds from
in respect of "jobs advts” and “resumes”
for dissemination amongst its
users., will receive and give to
its Partner Websites, all job advts and resumes for FREE, irrespective of the
fact that some of the Partner Websites may charge their users for such data, or
may have some other revenue-models.
Who can “contribute”,
What to
Corporate can provide :
Revenue Support
on their own website
publicity to W3F
RSS feeds from their own Corporate Websites
of Links / Logos
Job Portals can provide :
Ø RSS feeds of their job
advts and resumes through Partnering
Ø Exposing job-advts and
resumes received from to its own users
Ø Delivering
· “Job Alerts” to jobseekers
Alerts” to Employers
email alerts or SMS alerts.
Ø Advertisement Support
Ø Donations
Internet service Provider
(ISPs) can contribute by :
Ø Free or nominal
usage-charges to their customer in small towns and villages for accessing
· Any Partner Website of W3P
Ø Link Exchange
Ø Advertisement Support
Ø Donations
Service Providers (whether landline or mobile service), can contribute by :
Ø Free / Nominal charges for
access to and its Partner Websites, if telephone
operator also happens to be an ISP.
Ø Free delivery of VOICE JOB ALERTS (IVRS) to their customers in
small towns / villages.
Ø Link / Logo Exchange
Ø Advertisement
Ø Donations
Ø Free SMS
JOB ALERTS to their customers in small town / villages (for Mobile
Service Providers)
Search Engines
Search Engines have a
crucial / vital contribution to make to W3F.
the years, they have amassed vast data / history / usage-frequency re: “Search
Terms” used by
Ø Jobseekers while searching
for jobsites
Ø Recruiters while searching
for resumes
Such “Search Terms” usually
list job-portals links in search results.
However, such “links” may
or may not turn-up on the FIRST PAGE of results.
any such “Search Terms” is typed, Search Engines can make a huge difference by
showing-up on the very FIRST PAGE,
Ø Partner Websites
Social Networking Sites
It is
being claimed that Social Networking Sites such as Facebook / MySpace / Orkut /
Linkedin / You Tube etc. host / carry more job-advts and resumes than the
biggest commercial job-portals.
That makes them “bigger-than-the-biggest” job portals” !
And most of these are FREE as well.
And most are visited by millions of jobseekers and
recruiters daily.
And nearly all of these visitors have their own / smaller
“networks” of friends on these sites.
partnering with
Social Networking Sites can become the ideal vehicle / media, to disseminate
job & resume-related into the farthest corners of the Earth !
Other websites
If the focus of attention
of jobseekers and recruiters, are Job Portals,
the focus of attention of
Self –
of employment
Ø Travel Sites
Ø Matrimonial Sites
Ø Education Sites
Ø Banking / Insurance site
Ø Music / culture / Arts
sites etc.etc.
But these Visitors (nearly
all of them) have
Ø Siblings
Ø Children
Ø Friends
Ø Colleagues
who happen to be “ JobSeekers
other websites can contribute to the mission of W3F by exchanging links or even
becoming “Partners”
if creating jobs may not be a “direct responsibility” of any Govt., or that
“Right to job” may not be a constitutional right in most countries , all Government
everywhere, have a moral responsibility to see that all it eligible citizens
have jobs.
this end, Governments of India (State & Central) have set up 900+
Employment Exchanges, where more than 38 million jobseekers have registered ( as
of May 2010 ).
all Employment Exchanges put together could provide jobs (in 2009 ) to a mere
300,000 jobseekers !
reason for such dismal performance is that there is hardly any “Exchange” of
job-related or candidate related information through exchanges ( -despite some
exchanges having their own websites ).
from contributing through donations / advertisements etc., Govt. can hugely
contribute by
Ø having a Website for each
Ø making all “Partners” of